About Us

Welcome to Pratah News, Launched in the year 2022, our curatorial proficiency and award-winning approach to write on current events are unparalleled. Our unique strategy of capturing current news and events has accustomed it as the go-to source/origin of the content and reach its verticals and horizontals for a wide reach.

We work with exceptional minds, subject matter expertise and brilliant content creators to put forward our writings and post to the rest of the world. Eliminating the bias and showcase the juice of current events and affairs, with an intent to provoke inspiration in readers (especially civil service aspirant).

In modest and simple words Pratah News is the one-stop solution for authentic everyday current affairs and current events happening across Pan India and globally.

Pratah News is also an initiative to help, and encourage Indian graduates to appear for Civil Service Examination and assist them to prepare for IAS, IFS, IPS, IRAS, IRPS, IRTS, CBEC, IOFS, IP & TOFS, IPoS, ICLS, IDAS, IDES, ICAS, AFHQCS, IIS, RPF, ITS, DANICS, DANIPS, IAAS etc. We are also the number one choice for everyday readers.

We encourage you to be part of our Pratah News community. We carefully write and curate Pratah News posts and every single post is verified for its originality and only after proper validation, it makes its way to Pratah News portal for students and aspirants appearing for a wide range of Indian civil service examination mentioned above.

Point of Contact: Pratah News Editor

Email: www.pratah.news@gmail.com

Website: https://www.Pratah.News

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Pratah News Team

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