The Brexit issue is not just an issue limited to Europe, it is a major challenge to democracy around the world.
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Will the United Kingdom (UK), the might Great Britain that once ruled the world, would leave the European Union (EU)? The entire world is curious about the move UK is ready to make. In 2016, 52% of the UK's population voted in favor of the UK leaving the EU, or Brexit. However, the plan for Brexit, proposed by UK Prime Minister Theresa May, has been rejected by Parliament. Therefore, the possibility of Brexit is a big question mark.
The UK and the European Union had agreed to submit a draft exit action on March 31, 2019. The UK government made a lot of noise. Meetings were held and afternoon a blueprint was drawn up. Five and a half hundred water documents were created. Its exact meaning is not yet understood by the Parliament, nor by the people. It will take time to read all these pages and understand the details. Parliament only understood its summary, Parliament shuddered. Four hundred MPs did not approve the draft, the 200 MPs who approved it also had many objections.
It is rumored that he will leave the UK on March 31 but his plan is not ready. Without a blueprint, the situation is such that the EU will have to go out the way it says it will, no concessions, etc.
Why did the UK leave Europe?
Some nationalist leaders (e.g. Boris Johnson) have argued that the UK is losing its grip on the EU, that we are drinking milk from the EU's bonds, that we are paralyzed. False information was sown among the masses in a way that would embarrass the Hindutva family in India. He insisted on leaving the European Union in order to control his country and called for a referendum. The propaganda dust blew, 52% of the people fell victim to the pressure of the campaign, ready to leave the European Union. However, Parliament rejected the referendum. The case went to court. The court said that whatever the referendum, the decision should ultimately be taken by the government, i.e. Parliament. So the government made a plan to put it before Parliament. The court ruled that the parliament formed from the election between the parliament and the referendum is sovereign.
Now there are two issues. Leaving the European Union would mean closing the borders between Ireland and Scotland. So far, Britain, Scotland, and Ireland have seen an influx of people. Although the UK withdrew from Europe, Scotland and Ireland refused to do so. So now the trade between the two countries and the UK will run like the world market system. This means that there will be jakat, jakat will be imposed, travel and transportation will be restricted. No one wants this thing UK, Scotland, Ireland. The UK is saying that the European Union should get rid of the walls, barriers, levies and give concessions. Britain says the concessions are permanent, not temporary. The European Union refused. Europe says you want a divorce and a bed, it won't work.
The UK will remain in the Commonwealth of the European Union. This is acknowledged by Theresa May. This provision means that the EU and the UK will jointly decide how the goods will be transported in the UK-Europe, what kind of goods will arrive, and how the goods will be taxed. That is, the decision will depend on the will of the European Union.
These two provisions are not acceptable to most British MPs. Even the referendum has gone against these provisions. That's why MPs rejected Theresa May's resolution. After Parliament defeated Theresa May by a landslide, May says she will draft a new bill in consultation with opposition MPs and all members of her party. But the point here is that discussions and new drafts can take weeks, months. Therefore, it has to be said that the date of March 31 has been postponed till such discussion.
What's more, there is a lot of confusion over what the alternative draft would be if Theresa May were asked to reject the draft. Six hundred MPs and fifteen hundred votes are of this type. MPs are also considering whether to quit. In the five-and-a-half-page layout, everyone has to make minor corrections. There are many opinions on whether to get out or not, how to get out if you fall, strictly or not. Many are of the opinion that a new election should be held, a new government should be brought, that government should make a new resolution later.
Some MPs say a fresh referendum should be held. The exit schedule is going to be a waste as both will take several months to eat. Moreover, it is not possible to say what will be the opinion of the people or the opinion of the new government. In such a scenario, how can the EU even make an agreement when it is completely uncertain? German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, "We appreciate if UK make wise move, whatever that could be. Germany want to have a long term and peaceful bilateral and trade relationship with them." The issues of British society and democracy as a whole are being debated in the wake of Brexit.
British society is in a state of disarray. There are endless opinions of the people on such infinite issues as economic class, religion, race, color, language, geographical division of the country, political and economic thought. People are not happy in the current situation but there is a demographic opinion on what should be the solution. There are some economic and political ideologies in the world. Some ideologies like left, right, liberal, Marxist, free market were guiding man till today. Now that economic thinking is crumbling, every man is trying to find a new way out of the mix of those thoughts.
Another point is that the answers are not limited to economic and political factors. Now people have realized that even the cultural factor cannot be avoided. People like the Left, Marxists, Liberals, marketers, etc. were thinking that the elements of religion, culture, language, etc., as if they did not exist, were negligible. Now we know that it is not enough.
When the ideas of ISIS, Taliban, Boko Haram, Hindutva, etc. spread, only those who think economically are in trouble. The poor quarrel with the poor, the rich quarrel with the rich, over religion or race. This is not the case. There is a division between religion and religion. The British do not know how to deal with this, it is a worldwide crisis.
The dilemma of representative democracy is another problem. Hundreds of people want a hundred things each. People do not know how to run the society according to the five priorities. Out of this confusion, they elect representatives. Independent representatives and their parties have a separate confusion. Brexit is a perfect example of this confusion.
People decided to leave the European Union because of misinformation. You are not happy, the reason you are unhappy is in the European Union. But neither the people nor the people's representatives knew the details of what it means to go out, what the consequences would be. As democracy is demanded, the people's representatives went to implement the referendum. There was Gochi. People want one, the representative understands the third and wants the fourth. The joke is that as information and propaganda change, so do people's opinions. In such a situation, how will the parliament function, how will the government function.
What is happening in the UK is happening in the US and India. People want something, people themselves don't understand it, its priorities are not made by people. Political parties continue to do something and the country waits, the society remains miserable. Brexit is a problem facing democracy, it is a sign that human nature is deteriorating, it is a warning.
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