Jammu and Kashmir has provided hundreds of singers, doctors, engineers, soldiers, IAS and IPS officers. So, why is the image of Kashmir as a gunman today?
Photo (https://unsplash.com/photos/2q3RH6grop4) |
A person does not become a 'suicide bomber' by training or by his physical strength. People who carry bombs on their bodies and spread terrorism are brainwashed and have to have strong faith in what they are doing.
The genocide in the Pulwama attack has struck a chord in the minds of every citizen of the country. While planning to retaliate against Pakistan at the political level, there were some incidents of attacks on Kashmiri people living outside the Kashmir Valley. These incidents have created a climate of fear among ordinary Kashmiri people. The wounds of the Pulwama attack are so deeply ingrained in the minds of ordinary Indians that they cannot tell the difference between Kashmiris in their rage and the terrorists responsible for the attack. This is the effect on the mind of the victim of terrorism and the victim of conscience at such a time.
Since there are such suicide bombers in the country, it can be said that there are people who incite the youth for such suicide attacks. The army alone is not enough for the security of the country. Attention must also be paid to these psychological factors that fuel terrorism. Only in this war situation, the military apparatus resolves the violent elements of terrorism and the potential threats posed by them and tries to maintain peace. But on the other hand, this extra security starts to create a buzz about these systems.
The story of Kashmir is a horrible story. On the one hand, there is a group of Kashmiri people who say, "We are all Burhan Vani" and on the other hand, there is a group in the country who are saying, "They are all (Kashmiri) terrorists." Both sides are dependent on each other. The role of these two opposing extremes has made it difficult to understand and resolve the issue. Representatives of the 'independence' ideology have created the idea that the world should think that every Kashmiri is at war with India. Stretching out a single point from the right ideology, it is portrayed that every Kashmiri is a "traitor".
The extremists on the other side of this political divide pretend that these terrorists have "Che Gawhera" in Kashmir. They support this ruthless face of their violence.
The effects of these two opposing views were immediately apparent in the aftermath of the Pulwama attack. The focus was on only one aspect of the Kashmir issue. With people like Burhan Vani gaining a place of prestige in Kashmir, the image of Kashmir and the people of Kashmir has been tarnished in the eyes of the world. Today, perhaps in the eyes of the angry mob, every Kashmiri citizen is like the 'suicide bomber' in the Pulwama attack. But the truth is very different. How can all Kashmiris be seen in such a single way?
Perhaps this is the time to ask how the 300 local Kashmiri terrorists became a topic of discussion and concern across the country. How can these 300 people or their 3,000 or 30,000 supporters in a region with a population of 7 million push all Kashmiris under the label of terrorism? Why are the news media and the majority of producers in our country always obsessed with the story of Kashmir? And why is the story of Kashmir limited to these terrorists? If it is really a story of Kashmir, then why does this story show only one side?
A few days after the Pulwama attack, 2,500 Kashmiri people lined up to enlist in the bitter cold of Kashmir. Unfortunately, this mob failed to get the attention of the people or the media. Don't these 2500 people in Kashmir and thousands of others working in various security forces deserve to be the face of Kashmir? Why is only a radical face brought before the people?
Thousands of Kashmiris themselves have fallen victim to terrorist firing and brutal attacks. This other side of the Kashmir story has been forgotten by the people. On the other hand, various stories in Kashmir lead to the conclusion that security forces have been deployed to kill all Kashmiris. But, the truth is very different. In 2011, according to a report in the Times of India, claims that 100,000 civilians had been killed in Kashmir based on information available in the state were denied. According to the data published in this report, since 1990, the highest number of deaths (21323) has been among terrorists / infiltrators from other countries. This was followed by 13226 civilians killed by terrorists. Among the 5,369 security personnel killed were 1,500 Jammu and Kashmir police. 3642 civilians were killed in the security forces' operation. For example Village Kadal massacre; Protesters in 2008 and 2010 were killed.
These figures create anti-India sentiment in Kashmir, but unfortunately the government, the security forces or the media did not feel the need to expose this fact and agitate against it. False words have replaced truth, and fiery thoughts have replaced understanding and discretion. The national media running in the TRP contest - both liberal and gingoist - has picked up this ugly version of the Kashmir story. Due to the ignorance and prejudices of most Kashmiri experts, this type of media has conquered knowledge based on reality.
In the minds of the people of India today, Kashmiri people say that Burhan Vani, fundamentalism, terrorism, border terrorism, suicide bombings and the region where the crop of "traitorous" people grows are remembered, but no one remembers the 13,000 Kashmiri people who are victims of the same terrorism in India.
On the other hand, every Kashmiri is brainwashed into believing that "they (the security forces and the Indian government) are going to kill us all." No politician, activist or prudent citizen is prepared to come forward about the brutal violence that the Kashmiri people are facing in their own region. No one wants to stop 15-year-old Fardeen Khandai from becoming a 'fidayeen'. No one raises a voice about the use of guns. No one denies the glory of violence.
Burhan Vani and Zakir Musa are being imposed on Kashmir as the face of Kashmir. The state of Jammu and Kashmir has provided hundreds of singers, doctors, engineers, soldiers, IAS and IPS officers to the country. Also Bollywood actors, athletes, scientists, novelists, filmmakers, scholars, radio jockeys, fashion designers and models have come from Kashmir. So how did the gunman become the only image of Kashmir today? Why is it shown in the minds of the people that a Kashmiri citizen has only one ambition? Who is responsible for portraying Kashmir like this?
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