Through this ambitious 5Gi project, India aims to make a significant contribution to the world of technology.
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The heads of state of the four countries in the Quad Group, Australia, India, Japan and the United States, met in Tokyo on May 24, 2022. The purpose of the meeting was to have a free, open environment in the region of India and the Pacific, but with some guidelines and regulations. It also discussed whether some solutions can be found to meet the challenges facing us individually and collectively. The purpose of the meeting was to consider the region as a whole, to make it open and to set global standards for it.
Emphasis on technology
The meeting of the Quad countries focused on the field of technology. The outline of the 2022 conference was based on the resolutions adopted by the Quad countries in 2021. The Heads of State issued a pamphlet entitled The Common Statement of Principles on Critical Technology Supply Chains . It contained guidelines on how to facilitate technology in key areas.
The International Standards Cooperation Network (ISCN) was established to build a network of cooperation based on international standards. The concepts in the quad show that the criteria of technology are not only technical in nature but also based on the values, politics and centers of power in those countries.
5Gi : India's Independent System
These criteria are determined by the development policy of a country. Based on this logic, India has made 5Gi its own technology system.
According to the standards proposed by the Telecommunications Standards Development Society of India (TSDSI).
Thinking of remote parts of India
The most important feature of 5 Gi technology is Low Mobility Large Cell (LMLC). This will increase the range of mobiles and allow the technology to reach even the most remote areas. The technology can be extended to areas where there are no means of transportation, the region is extremely rugged and it is costly to install such a system.
India does not want to deviate from the 5G norms by adopting LMLC technology. The technology was approved by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in 2017. This update was required but the technology was not adopted in 3GPP Release 15 . TSDSI has introduced 5GI to increase the pressure on the 3GPP system
The proposal was amended and sent to the ITU. Therefore, these criteria were included in the criteria of IMT 2020. 5Gi will also be included in the release 17, 3GPP announced.
Dispute over India's decision
Since January 2022, 5Gi technology has been lying dormant. This is because TSDSI has canceled it as it does not meet the standards of the country. This decision attracted piles of disagreement and dispute. After India announced 5Gi, international trade groups reported that the new standards were harmful. According to him, Quad had decided to cooperate on 5G and it was necessary to accept it in 3GPP as well.
Yet the final surrender of 3GPP in the case of LMLC suggests that this is not just a matter of technical feasibility. 3GPP technology is new in India. It received inspector status in 2014, and in 2015 the technology was adopted as an institutional partner. Apart from China, India is the only developing country to achieve this status.
Table: Make-up of 3GPP
Institution | Membership | Representation |
3GPP | 7 institutional partners from Japan and the United States
China (CCSA) European Union (ETSI) India (TDSI) South Korea (TTA) And Japan (ARIB, TTC). China, European Union (ETSI) India (TDSI) South Korea (TTA) And Japan 782 independent members |
Europe - 387
China - 210 210 independent members US - 60 independent members India - 55 independent members Japan - 42 independent members South Korea - 26 independent members |
Source : 3GPP web portal
India succeeded in influencing 3GPP to include LMLC technology in a project with ITU. India's participation in 3GPP is growing rapidly. At the same time, India has an important role to play as a partner in global co-operative groups, including the Quad process. The rest of the developing countries do not have that much capacity to acquire 3GPP technology. These include Botswana, Indonesia and South Africa.
Complex answers to complex questions
The story of 5Gi goes beyond the technicalities. It is also an issue of India's self-reliance. Creating our own 5G standard in the form of 5Gi is a moment of pride for the country. This will enable us to achieve the goal of bringing 5G technology to every village. India says that in the 21st century, if communication progresses in India, the nation will progress faster. (2)
Self-reliant India
In this sense, the 5Gi project is a symbol of India's self-reliance. India also wants to play a leading role in global technology. Technology standards are complex but the Quad countries meeting has started a new process of setting these standards. Every country has to face certain problems. Also, the value system may be different in each country. Against this background, it is necessary to have a common set of rules by mutual consent and to create an environment of non-conflict and cooperation. This will help the Quad member countries to establish meaningful relations with India and other countries in the Pacific region.
Of course, membership is not the only way for a country to influence the institutions that set the standard for technology. All countries need to work together for organizational partner members to vote as a group, to fund organizations that set criteria, and to participate in the decision-making process of working groups.
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