The Kashmir issue will not be resolved by the autonomy of the National Conference or the repeal of Article 370 by the BJP. UPA Govt. thinks this question is more likely to simmer.
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As the winds of elections blow in Jammu and Kashmir, political parties there have started using the usual camouflage to attract oppressed voters. The head of the National Conference Party and former Chief Minister of Kashmir, Dr. Regionalism based on religion and ethnic identity is likely to prevail in Jammu and Kashmir due to Farooq Abdullah's demand for an 'autonomous' state. The controversy is expected to provoke the people of Kashmir against New Delhi. Given the BJP-led NDA's all-encompassing views on the central government's autonomy, its firm commitment to repeal Article 370 and the current sensitive situation in the Kashmir Valley, the usual game of gaining power could be fatal for the state of Jammu and Kashmir as well as New Delhi.
Leading Srinagar constituencies in the Lok Sabha, Dr. Farooq Abdullah recently promised that if his party won a majority, it would table a resolution on autonomy within a month. He made this statement while welcoming BJP MLA Gangan Bhagat to his party on December 20. This is not the first time that the National Conference Party has said that autonomy is the only solution to a decade-long problem. He has uttered this phrase many times before. It is expected to have a positive impact on sensitive constituencies like Chenab and Chenab. On June 26, 2000, Dr. Farooq Abdullah's National Conference had passed an autonomy resolution based on a report prepared by a nine-member 'State Autonomy Board'. But, on July 4, 2000, The central government, led by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, said, "By approving this resolution, we will fall behind and fail to meet the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, including the integrity of the country." Giving such reasons, the resolution was rejected.
Many changes have taken place at the Center in the last 18 years, but the Bharatiya Janata Party and the present government are against any kind of autonomy. On the contrary, the BJP seems to be committed to repealing Article 370 and Article 35A of the Indian Constitution. Even the BJP leaders in Jammu and Kashmir feel that the only solution to the decades-old problem in Jammu and Kashmir is to repeal Article 370 and make Jammu and Kashmir one of the states. Autonomists in the National Conference Party believe that autonomy will help the state government to use its power and address its weaknesses. Since the decision makers are local, it is more likely that government programs set up at the local level will meet the real needs of the society according to their social and cultural structure. However, The idea of 'autonomy' meant for the National Conference has never been articulated, so the autonomy meant for them is vague. Such a hollow, unsupported demand will only increase tensions between New Delhi and Kashmir. Instead, the party should focus on good governance, development projects, infrastructure, education, health care and job creation to bring peace to the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir. This pervasive frenzy of autonomy is nothing but a kind of 'mild separatism' that would be more conducive to foreign intervention, unrest and violence in the state. Emphasis should be placed on health care and job creation to restore peace in the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir. This pervasive frenzy of autonomy is nothing but a kind of 'mild separatism' that would be more conducive to foreign intervention, unrest and violence in the state. Emphasis should be placed on health care and job creation to restore peace in the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir. This pervasive frenzy of autonomy is nothing but a kind of 'mild separatism' that would be more conducive to foreign intervention, unrest and violence in the state.
On the other hand, the Bharatiya Janata Party's position on Jammu and Kashmir is quite different. The BJP has always said that Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, which gives Jammu and Kashmir the right to make its own constitution and for an incomplete merger with the Indian Union, is an objection to the BJP. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while speaking on October 30, 2017, underlining the BJP, said that more autonomy is not the need of Jammu and Kashmir but the repeal of Article 370 is the need of the state.
Different objectives of the two parties, the BJP and the National Conference, will exacerbate the situation and encourage regional and communal tendencies. If the autonomy resolution is passed, the Hindu population in Jammu and the Buddhists in Ladakh will feel betrayed by New Delhi. On the other hand, if Article 370 is violated, the Kashmiri people can change a little. Such a role has already caused a significant rift in the communal system in the valleys of Jammu and Kashmir. This has created a different kind of savatasubha even at the regional level. An example of this can be seen in Ladakh. This divisive politics of autonomists and nationalists is not conducive to New Delhi or even to Kashmiris. On the contrary, if the Kashmiri people are given peace, order and good governance, they can play an important role in national development.
The 'you versus others' approach of New Delhi and local political parties has been used by separatists and Pakistan for their own benefit. His brutal actions have caused bloodshed in Kashmir and New Delhi both economically and politically. In fact, the escalating violence in the Valley has led to massive bloodshed. There has been a massive loss of life of innocent civilians and security personnel, which has literally devastated the working population of the state. Billions of dollars are spent every year on state security. The Kashmir issue will not be resolved by the autonomy of the National Conference or the BJP's decision to repeal Article 370. On the contrary, it is likely to provoke more regional tensions between the two sides. Which will further increase the demand for a separate state. Due to the BJP's policy of 'repealing' Article 370, especially at the regional level,
According to a report published by India Today on November 28 this year, 247 people were killed in operations in Kashmir in 2016 and 384 in 2017. In 2018, 413 people have been killed. The dead included civilians, soldiers and terrorists. In this context, if national and regional political parties cannot sit together and discuss and think about how to establish peace, then establishing peace and stability in the Kashmir Valley will remain a dream. Regional political parties, such as the National Conference (NC) and the People's Democratic Party (PDP), need to focus on what needs to be done to improve the situation in the Valley now and in the future, rather than dwelling on history. Similarly, there is an urgent need for national parties like the Congress and the BJP to stop politicising the Kashmir issue.
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